2016年7月20日 星期三

超棒「國際教育議題站」:The School of Life ── Tools for a thoughtful life

航向海闊天空的未來吧 ~(圖片來源:甘田文創


這是一個叫做The School of Life:Tools for a thoughtful life 的國際教育議題站,他用卡通和旁白的方式做成影片,在底下加入連結介紹,如果對這個主題有興趣,可以上他們的線上商城買小物

比如說:在以下這個影片主題Success at School vs Success in Life

他先用旁白的方式,講一個有關學校課程制定的學習故事,對孩子的影響,老師教的知識應該要引導孩子的工作、愛情等等思考面相,及孩子應該培養的性格 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Egxm5QuW9o

下面的連結是「職場卡」,提供了解為什麼在學成後,在職涯選擇上仍感到困難,並進一步了解自己的工作應對性格對應學習卡(底下也有其他延伸商品可以選,如:職場問題筆記本、如何找到滿意職場的心情筆記本等等) http://goo.gl/nLwuxS


Great Thinkers Book

The Great Thinkers is a collection of some of the most important ideas of Eastern and Western culture - drawn from the works of those philosophers, political theorists, sociologists, artists and novelists whom we believe have the most to offer to us today.

We've worked hard to make the thinkers in this book clear, relevant and charming, mining the history of knowledge to bring you the ideas we think have the greatest importance to our times. This 480-page book contains the canon of The School of Life, the gallery of individuals across the millenia who help to frame our intellectual project - and we have succeeded if, in the days and years ahead, you find yourself turning to our thinkers to illuminate the multiple dilemmas, joys and griefs of daily life.


The School of Life is dedicated to developing emotional intelligence through the help of culture - believing that a range of our most persistent problems are created by a lack of self-understanding, compassion and communication. 

We operate from ten physical campuses around the world, including London, Amsterdam, Seoul and Melbourne. We produce films, run classes, offer therapy and make a range of psychological products. The School of Life Press publishes books on the most important issues of cultural and emotional life. Our titles are designed to entertain, educate, console and transform.