2016年4月5日 星期二

How To Write and Publish Your First iBook?


1. Share chapters or excerpts of chapters of your book on your blog. 

Sharing your book content early in the process is one way to gauge reader feedback, and it helps you keep your audience in mind as you write.

2. Tell a few select people about your book to get their feedback. 

One or more of your friends may keep asking you about how your book is going, which could be a good kick-in-the-pants for you to keep working on it.
Write guest blog posts about the subject of your book to reach a wider audience beyond your own blog.

3. Join social networking groups and monitor hashtags that address the topic of your book. 

Connect with people who are interested in the topic you’re writing about.
Make sure your social network profiles make reference to your book in progress. Include a nice design and a link to a good blog post about your forthcoming book.

4. A few months before your book is published, create a book launch page on your blog, or use a service like BookLaunch.com (that’s my book launch page)

Make sure your book launch page includes a way to collect names and emails for those interested in buying your book. I started my book launch page about three months before it got published to the iTunes.

5. Make sure your book launch page includes a few blurbs by notable people who have at least browsed your book before it’s published. 

If you don’t have two or three people who can write a blurb, then you may need to spend more time networking with potential readers who are interested in your book.

6. Consider creating another blog site or online project related to your book so that you can capture an audience for your book when it’s finally released.

7. Blog and post updates on your social networks about the progress you’re making on your book. 

Even if people don’t respond, keep posting anyway.Try to get a podcaster or blogger with a significant following to write the foreword to your book, and/or to interview you about your book.

8. Develop a media kit that includes a press release, reviews of your book, a good profile photo, and screenshots of sample pages from your book.

Seriously: don’t feel as if you need to rush your book to publication. Give yourself some to time to find your audience and generate interest in your book before it’s released.